Thursday, September 21, 2006


Photos of Drew

When I published the last blog, I tried and tried to upload photos of Drew and our computer would not let me. I have no idea why. Tonight it will let me, so here is a photo of Drew shooting ball.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Our 3 Sons

Just a quick update on the boys. Drew, Mark and Ben are growing up so fast. In the pictures you can see that they are obviously growing physically. They are also growing academically, emotionally, and spiritually. It's so neat to see God at work in each of their lives, growing them into the young men that He wants them to be.

We're so thankful that they are able to attend Hinkson Christian Academy. It's a small international Christian school here in Moscow. The school has a little over 200 students in grades k-12. The boys have excellent teachers who really invest in them. Drew's in 5th grade. Mark is in 4th. Ben just started kindergarten. Today I asked Ben if he misses me when he's in school. He said, "No, Mom, I'm just having too much fun to think about you". That's okay. I'm glad school is so fun for him.

The boys loves sports and I've had to work at developing a love for sports as well. Last year they all played basketball and baseball. Now Mark and Ben are playing soccer and Mark just started TaeKwanDo. It's fun to watch them play and to cheer for their teams. I'll attach a few sports photos to this post.

Drew is not playing soccer because he fractured his foot last month. He has been very careful with it and it has healed well. He is able to use it now with no pain or problems. Thanks for praying for him. The Lord has answered our prayers and we think he will be ready when basketball season a starts. He's been practicing with friends during recess and after school each day to try to get in shape.

The Lord has blessed us with 3 sons who add so much joy to our lives. Pray for us as we parent them. Pray for them to become all that God wants them to be. Pray that as a family we will bring glory and honor to God in the way that we relate to each other and to other people that God brings into our lives.

Monday, September 11, 2006



We are remembering today the tragedy that occurred 5 years ago in our country of birth. And most you who are reading this will no doubt think about this event and how it has affected all of us in some way. Perhaps you remember exactly where you were when you received the news. I do.

I had just arrived at Good News Church, to have a prayer meeting with some of my Russian brothers. And then I got the call. And I almost dropped to my knees, feeling weak. Naturally, questions were flooding my mind. As more of my brothers came into the meeting, they all greeted me with warmth and love and concern. And I remember specifically how they began that prayer meeting – fervently praying for America and the President, and for me and my family in the States.

I was feeling so distanced from my loved ones that evening ( Moscow is 8 hours ahead of EST ), but God provided comfort through my Russian friends and through their prayers. It was a time I will never forget. And I suppose neither will you.

And we shouldn’t forget. The tragedy of that day should make us all realize and remember that there is only one true Shield, one true Defender, one true Protector - - not only of our country, but of something more eternally valuable = our souls!

May God, indeed, allow the USA to look to Him as their Shield. May the Lord Jesus be the Defender of our souls! And may America turn back to the One True God, depending on Him, and making Him the priority for determining the values worth upholding!

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. “ - Jesus Christ



Saturday, September 09, 2006


An Overdue "Thank You!"

Thank you for giving through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to reach a lost world!

We are excited to report that Southern Baptists gave a record amount – over 1.3 million ! – through the 2005 offering. Your faithful giving enables us and more than 5,100 colleagues to continue our work and to support new colleagues coming to join our efforts. Lives have been changed because of your giving.

We are grateful for your faithfulness! Please continue to partner with us to complete the unfinished task.

*** see for updated IMB information ***



Thursday, September 07, 2006


A Blessing, through "failure"

God reminded me the other day of how His Kingdom sometimes expands without us knowing it. I was on a tramvae (trolly, for those of you who haven’t visited us yet), and I was conversing with a lady you had repented several years ago, in one of our church plants. Now, I must say that that particular church plant didn’t survive. It did not grow into a church, and those who had attended were welcomed into Good News Church, the “mother church” through whom we work.

I was delighted to hear that shortly after this woman came to faith in Christ, she shared her faith with her dying father. He was in the hospital at the time. And he listened to his daughter and also accepted Jesus before he died. This was the first time I had heard this story.

It was a reminder for me. The church plant was not a “success.” It didn’t survive. But through the attempt at starting the church, not only this lady, but her father received Christ. Success in church planting? No. But the Kingdom expanded. And that is what we’re really praying for anyway.

I hope this will encourage you to attempt ministry where you sense God is leading, even if it doesn’t “appear” to be successful. Who knows? Perhaps God would rather you not know.



Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Please Pray for Brad

Just wanted to ask those of you who read our blog to pray for Brad. He has been sick for 10 days and can't seem to get well. He's taken a round of oral antibiotics and when that didn't help, he was given a shot of penicillin. That was on Saturday and he's still not well. He tested positive for strep and the Dr. said that the shot should knock it out, but it hasn't. We'll go back to the Dr. tomorrow at 10:30. Pray for wisdom for the Dr. and for healing in God's perfect timing. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


God is Good

Indeed we are grateful that we can “partner together.” With whom? – you may ask. Well, for one - Genady Krechin. He called me last week to let me know that another man had just repented! This was a neighbor of Nikolai, a man that is part of our church plant in the Golovinski region. We rejoiced together on the phone, as I know you are doing now, to know that God’s grace has reached yet another soul in our region. Praise God!



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