Monday, September 11, 2006



We are remembering today the tragedy that occurred 5 years ago in our country of birth. And most you who are reading this will no doubt think about this event and how it has affected all of us in some way. Perhaps you remember exactly where you were when you received the news. I do.

I had just arrived at Good News Church, to have a prayer meeting with some of my Russian brothers. And then I got the call. And I almost dropped to my knees, feeling weak. Naturally, questions were flooding my mind. As more of my brothers came into the meeting, they all greeted me with warmth and love and concern. And I remember specifically how they began that prayer meeting – fervently praying for America and the President, and for me and my family in the States.

I was feeling so distanced from my loved ones that evening ( Moscow is 8 hours ahead of EST ), but God provided comfort through my Russian friends and through their prayers. It was a time I will never forget. And I suppose neither will you.

And we shouldn’t forget. The tragedy of that day should make us all realize and remember that there is only one true Shield, one true Defender, one true Protector - - not only of our country, but of something more eternally valuable = our souls!

May God, indeed, allow the USA to look to Him as their Shield. May the Lord Jesus be the Defender of our souls! And may America turn back to the One True God, depending on Him, and making Him the priority for determining the values worth upholding!

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. “ - Jesus Christ



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