Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Praise and Prayer Request

Many of you have written to ask about the Jesus Film showings. Thanks for praying when we showed the film. God answered your prayers. 19 new people came to see the film. Out of these, 9 filled out forms saying that they are interested in studying the Bible, 1 wrote that he had prayed to accept Christ during the film, 2 have come to the Gulovinsky Church since that time. 1 man continues to come back on a regular basis. Please pray for all of these 19 and pray for the Gulovinsky Church as we follow up with these people.

Please pray this week for Brad and many other men who will attend a church planting conference in Ivanova, Russia. This is a conference for missionaries and for nationals. Brad is taking several Russian friends with him. Pray for God to speak to all who attend and to give a vision for how He wants each of them to be involved in starting new churches in Russia. Pray for safety as they drive 5 hours on Monday, Feb. 5 and Friday, Feb. 9. Please also pray for Lori and the other wives whose husbands will be away all week. Thanks!


Visit With Family

We were so blessed in January to have 10 days with Lori's little brother, Jeremy, and his wife, Deana. They decided to come and visit us for their 10th anniversary celebration. We had such a good time with them and were so encouraged by their visit. It was so fun to see how God is at work in their lives and to hear how He is working in their church, Crestview Baptist. THANKS Jeremy and Deana for spending your vacation here with us in Moscow!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Showing the Jesus Film

Hello to all and Happy New Year!!! Here in Russia we are just getting ready to celebrate the birth of Christ!! That's right! In Russia, the official holiday for Jesus' birth is January 7.

Santa Claus, or "Father Frost" (in Russia) has already come, because he delivers presents on Dec. 31, New Year's Eve. But on Sunday the 7th, there will be sole concentration on the birth of Christ ( for those who believe ).

Anyway, as part of this celebration, one of our church plants, in the Golovinski Region with Genady, will be showing the Jesus Film two times; on Saturday the 6th and Sunday the 7th. Please pray for these showings. We have no idea how many will come, but we have been delievering personal invitations throughout the week, and we have been hanging posters close to entryways.

Thanks for joining us in this effort. God will use your prayers. And may God bless you richly on our Russian Christmas!!


Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Happy 2007 !

It's been awhile since we've posted. We had fun Christmas and New Year's celebrations with lots of friends and have just been really busy. Sorry for not updating more often. We know that many of you are faithful to read our posts and pray for us and we need to be more faithful to post in this new year.

Now it's time for us to celebrate Christmas for the 2nd time. Yes, here in Russia, we get to celebrate Christmas twice each year. Russians celebrate the Christmas holiday on January 7th. So this weekend, we'll get to enjoy focusing on the birth of Christ again with our Russian friends.

Brad and other team members have been passing out fliers and hanging posters this week because on Saturday, January 6th and Sunday, January 7th, the Goluvinsky Church will be showing the Jesus film. We are doing this evangelism around the Christmas holiday, hoping that many will be off of work and able to attend.

PLEASE PRAY with us that God will prompt many to come to the two showings of the Jesus film. Pray for Genady, Ilya, Brad and other church members who will be there to talk with those who do come. Pray that some might come, see the film, and decide to accept the greatest gift ever given, Jesus. Pray that some may also become interested in attending the G. Church through this outreach. There are 1 million people living in the Northern District of Moscow and the majority of them are lost without a Savior. Pray for God to work in a mighty way this weekend to draw some to see the film and respond.

We pray that 2007 will be a special year for each of you! Thanks again for your faithfulness to pray for us.

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