Thursday, May 31, 2007


3 More Days

We only have 3 days left before we head to America for our stateside assignment. On May 17 we wrote asking that you pray for us as we finish out this term. The Lord has blessed in incredible ways and we just wanted to share a few.

Last Sunday we worshipped for the last time with the Timi Church. A lady named Olga repented and gave her life to Christ. What a blessing! Also, our team member, Karen Fletcher gave her testimony in Russian and did a great job. She and her husband Doyle finished full-time language study this week. We're so proud of them! Sasha reflected on his relationship with Brad and how the Lord led them to work together many years ago. It really is amazing how God has built the Timi Church and we know that He will continue to grow it, even after we leave. Sasha gave us a special magnet to go on our refrigerator. He said that people always go to get physical food from their fridge and every time we do, he wants us to remember that there are people in Moscow who need spiritual food. What a great reminder!

We worshipped with the Gulovinski Church for the last time two weeks ago. It was also a special service. The lady who sits with our elderly neighbor went with us. She seemed to really enjoy the worship and fellowship. Some of the members very openly shared the Gospel with her. She was not ready to accept it, but she was very open. We showed her how she could go back later without us by public transportation, but really didn't think she would because it takes about 1 hour 15 min. by public. We saw her this week though and she told us that she went back to church last Sunday by herself and really enjoyed it. Bless the Lord! Please pray for salvation for Christina. It was hard to say good-bye to Genady, Vica, and the rest of the church. They really have become our family here in Moscow.

This week has been spent helping the boys finish up school and say good-bye to their friends. We've had lots of sleepovers, even on school nights! The boys kept thinking of one more friend that they needed to spend some more time with. And they're actually all spending the night with friends tonight. Today is the day that they'll really have to say good-bye though. It's the last day of school. Please pray for them! Ben had kindergarten graduation on Wednesday. It was such a special service with the theme "Walk Like Jesus". Brad and I both cried because we are just so thankful that we've been able to send the boys to an international Christian school here. What an incredible blessing that is made possible by your gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering and the Cooperative Program. Thank you! Awards chapel was Thursday morning. Both Drew and Mark received several different awards for academics as well as for character. Mark was especially proud to receive the "First Recorder" award for being the best recorder player in his music class. He was very surprised to get this, but he has worked very hard and deserved it. Drew had 5th grade promotion yesterday afternoon to celebrate finishing elementary school. It was also a very meaningful celebration. His teacher had prepared a slide show and he called each child up one at a time to honor them. He shared special memories, gave awards, and gave them a challenge to live for Christ.

So now we'll spend the next 3 days just packing and cleaning. We still have a lot to do. Pray for energy and strength to get it all done. It has been sooooooooooooo hot here for the past week and the heat just really drains us. Yesterday evening at 10:00 it was 85*F outside and 89.5*F inside our apartment. We have two little fans and Brad and I each keep one blowing right on us. We have to move them from room to room as we work. We're looking forward to a little air-conditioning. We probably freeze everywhere we go in America!

We probably won't update for a while. We may not have e-mail access until we get to Shelby on June 10. We would appreciate your prayers for safe travel and for wonderful reunions with all of our family members, friends and churches in America. Please also continue to pray for our team members who will press on with the work to reach the Northern Administrative District of Moscow (NADM) for Christ. And continue to pray for the list of unbelievers from previous posts.

Thanks so much and hope to see many of you soon!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Please Pray With Us

Because we're leaving Moscow in 2 weeks, God is giving us some great last visits and conversations with people. Please pray with us for the following people.

- Constantine is our elderly neighbor. We were able to watch the Jesus film with him a few weeks ago and have had some great conversations about spiritual things. Pray that he would understand his need for a personal Savior.

- Oxana is a Ukrainian who was here caring for Constantine for 3 months. She watched the Jesus film with us also. She has gone back to the Ukraine now, but before she left, we were able to give her a Bible and tract and talk with her about Christ. Pray that God will give her a desire to read scripture and the tract and open her heart to understand and accept what she reads.

- Christina is Constantine's new caregiver. She is from the same small village in the Ukraine as Oxana. She is very open to discussing spiritual things. She is going to church with us this Sunday, May 20. Pray that the Holy Spirit will speak directly to her and call her into a relationship with God.

- Irena is a neighbor that Lori has developed a relationship with. Lori has been able to talk with her many times and has given her a Bible and tracts in Russian. A huge barrier in her coming to Christ is that she is an alcoholic. Pray for God to remove her need and desire for alcohol so that she can think straight and understand that only Christ can fill the void in her life that she so often tries to fill with alcohol.

- Olim is our muslim friend who attends our little Baptist church with us almost every week. This week or next week will be our last chance to visit with him. Brad plans to speak very directly with him about spiritual condition. Pray for him.

- Galina is an elderly lady who has been attending the G. Church for some time now. Brad talked very openly with her on Wednesday, telling her that she needs to make a decision for Christ. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give her understanding of her need to personally say "yes" to Christ.

- Valera is a man who came to the Jesus film showing several months ago. He has been attending the G. Church ever since and seems to fit right in and feel a part of the church. He has not repented and accepted Christ. Pray that he soon will.

- Andrae is a friend of Genady who came one time to the G. Church. On that day, he stood and asked everyone to pray for him. He is an alcoholic who is not a Christian.

- Igor is the wife of Natasha who is the newest Believer in the G. Church. She accepted Christ about a month ago. At first her husband was against this, but it seems that God is working in his life. He comes to the home group every Sunday afternoon and listens. I saw Natasha last night and told her that I would ask Christians in America to pray for her husband.

- Zhena and Irena are relatives of Igor and Natasha. They all attend a home group that meets on Sunday afternoons. Marina, the leader of this group believes that both Zhena and Irena are very close to accepting Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in a mighty way in that group Sunday afternoon. They actually meet about the time that churches in America are meeting for SS and worship, so if you could pray for them in your churches today, that would be awesome.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Stateside Assignment Coming Up

We will be heading to the States on June 4 for a 14 month stateside assignment. We are all really getting excited. We will be living in Shelby, North Carolina near many of our family members. Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, the church Lori grew up in, has a beautiful missionary house that we will get to live in. This is the same house we lived in on our first stateside assignment. The boys call it "our house".

Before we head that way, there is much to be done. The boys are finishing up school and have many special activities and programs between now and when they finish on June 1. Brad has lots of work to do to close out this term of ministry and to help prepare others to carry on the work while we're away. I'm packing and cleaning everyday. I know we'll get it all done, but sometimes it seems overwhelming. Please pray for us during these next two weeks. Pray for us to finish well. Pray that we will accomplish all that God wants us to before the time for us to leave.

Please pray for us also as we say some difficult goodbyes. Drew will be saying goodbye to his best friend, Kian, who is from Australia. By the time we get back, Kian will have moved back to Australia. We don't know if or when the boys will get to see each other again. The same is true for Mark's good friend, Zachary, who is from Taiwan. Brad and I were talking the other day about the fact that we're really excited about going "home" to all that is familiar and comforting, but we're taking the boys away from all that is familiar. This is their home. I know they'll adjust and love living in the States, but we would appreciate your prayers during this transition time. Thanks so much!

Friday, May 11, 2007


Church Planting Conference

Thanks so much for praying for our 4th annual church planting conference. It was a huge success. 22 people attended. We had sessions about cell groups, spiritual warfare, church planting movements, and much more. We spent much time in prayer for each of the new churches and cell groups in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. The Lord gave us beautiful weather and we were even able to play a few games of volleyball together. Lori had the privilege of taking care of Sasha and Katia's baby, Vanya, who is 6 months old. He's a doll. It was also a time for us to pass on the vision and in a way say goodbye to our Russian friends. We still have 3 weeks here and will see them again at church, but Brad was able to thank them and encourage them to continue on with the work of evangelism and church planting. Thank you for praying with us for this conference. God indeed answered!

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Praises and Requests

- An elderly couple, Vladimir and Valentina, accepted Christ as Lord and Savior at the Timi Church Thursday Bible Study at the senior center. Both are in their late 70s. Praise the Lord for His work in their lives. They will be leaving to go to their dacha for the summer, so we don't have a lot of time for follow up. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in them over the summer as they spend time in the Word.

- One of the small groups from the Timi Church meets weekly on Sundays in the home of a lady named Ina Alexandrovna. She is not a Christian. Last week, the leaders of the group were excited to hear Ina pray out loud with them for the first time. Pray for salvation for this dear lady.

- We will be having our 4th annual Church Planting Conference this weekend, May 4-6. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to teach us all through his Word and the different seminars. Pray for Brad as he will be leading most of the conference. Pray for clarity as he leads the whole thing in Russian. Pray that those in attendance will hear what God has to say to each of them about how He wants them to be involved in His work of reaching the Northern District of Moscow with the Gospel of Christ.

- Our neighbor, Irena, stopped by this morning. We have been talking with her and praying for her salvation for many months. She is an alcoholic and this makes communication very difficult at times. But this morning she stopped by to say that she is not going to drink for 60 days. Today is day 2. She has prayed and asked God to help her. Please pray with us that God will give Irena strength not to drink for a time so that she can think clearly about her spiritual condition. She said that when she sees us out her window, it reminds her to pray and ask God for help. Maybe God will give us some good weather to play outside more so that she can be reminded of God.

- Please continue to pray for salvation for: Olim, Igor, Constantine, Oxana, Christina, Andrae, Galina, Valera and others who live in the north of Moscow who are lost without Christ.

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