Thursday, May 17, 2007


Stateside Assignment Coming Up

We will be heading to the States on June 4 for a 14 month stateside assignment. We are all really getting excited. We will be living in Shelby, North Carolina near many of our family members. Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, the church Lori grew up in, has a beautiful missionary house that we will get to live in. This is the same house we lived in on our first stateside assignment. The boys call it "our house".

Before we head that way, there is much to be done. The boys are finishing up school and have many special activities and programs between now and when they finish on June 1. Brad has lots of work to do to close out this term of ministry and to help prepare others to carry on the work while we're away. I'm packing and cleaning everyday. I know we'll get it all done, but sometimes it seems overwhelming. Please pray for us during these next two weeks. Pray for us to finish well. Pray that we will accomplish all that God wants us to before the time for us to leave.

Please pray for us also as we say some difficult goodbyes. Drew will be saying goodbye to his best friend, Kian, who is from Australia. By the time we get back, Kian will have moved back to Australia. We don't know if or when the boys will get to see each other again. The same is true for Mark's good friend, Zachary, who is from Taiwan. Brad and I were talking the other day about the fact that we're really excited about going "home" to all that is familiar and comforting, but we're taking the boys away from all that is familiar. This is their home. I know they'll adjust and love living in the States, but we would appreciate your prayers during this transition time. Thanks so much!

We will miss you and will be praying for you!!! Have fun at Wal-Mart and pig out on mexican food!!! Love you guys!
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