Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Church Planting Conference

May 4-6 we will be having our 4th annual NADM Church Planting Conference. There will be about 30 people in attendance. As you remember us this week, please pray for this upcoming conference. Pray for Brad as he plans the schedule and sessions. Pray for those who will be attending, that God will prepare their hearts for all that He wants to say to them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be our guide throughout the weekend. God has really used the past 3 conferences to spread the vision for reaching the Northern Administrative District through starting new churches and cell groups. Please pray that He will do the same this year and even more than we can ask or imagine. Thanks so much!

Monday, April 23, 2007



We are rejoicing and know that you will rejoice with us to hear that a lady named Galina Nikolievich repented and accepted Christ as her Savior during the service at the Gulovinski Church this past Sunday. During the testimony time, she came forward and said that she realized that she needed to repent and give her life to Christ. She then began to pray the sweetest prayer of confession. Peter, who was leading the service, was shocked, I think. He fell to his knees in prayer beside her. When she finished praying, many church members surrounded her and began to pray for her. What a sweet and special time! Praise God with us for his work in Galina's life!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Long Overdue Update

Okay, so we've been pretty slack about updating the blog. We admit this and apologize. We will try to do better. Thanks to some of your for your gentle reminders! We know that many of you look at our blog regularly and if we don't update, then you don't know how to pray for us specifically. Thanks for continuing to pray for us, even when you didn't know specifics!

God has been working. Here are a few praises.

- A young lady named Natasha recently accepted Christ in one of our home groups. Her husband had told her that if she became a Christian, he would beat her up. He has been attending the home group with her though and when she did pray to receive Christ, he did not hurt her. He continues to attend the Bible studies with her and now we're praying for his salvation.

- A man named Sergei walked walked into one of our groups from off the street. He is a former soldier who killed some civilians while following orders. He has been plagued with guilt for many years. Brad and Sasha talked with him for over an hour and he ended up on his knees, repenting and praying with tears to receive Christ's forgiveness and salvation.

- 3 new cell groups have started as a part of the Gulovinski Church. These groups meet on different days of the week and usually have several unbelievers in attendance at each meeting. Praise the Lord for how He is growing His church.

- 43 people attended a recent Evangelsitic Easter Concert at a Social Center in the Timi Region. A long time ago, the Timi Group met regularly in this building. For 1 1/2 years, the building has been closed to us because of reconstruction. We've had several volunteer teams who have prayer walked in this area and prayed that this place would be open to us again. Finally, we are able to meet in this place again on a regular basis.

Prayer Requests:

- Pray for new Believers Natasha and Sergei.

- Pray for salvation for the following people : Igor (Natasha's husband) Andrae, Constantine (Our 83 year old neighbor), Oxana, Irena, and other unbelievers who attend the cell groups and churches in the Northern District of Moscow.

- PLEASE Pray for OXANA. She is a young lady from the Ukraine, who is here caring for our elderly neighbor, Constantine. We have invited her to watch the Jesus film with us in our home tomorrow evening (Sunday, April 22) Pray that God will use this film to draw her into a relationship with Him.

- Please continue to pray for Genady and Sasha as they lead the work in the Gulovinski and Timi Regions and pray for God to call out new leaders to work in the other regions of the Northern District.

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