Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Bathroom Reading

I found one of my sons this morning in the bathroom, lying on the floor. Sick? No, just going through his 959 Plan. Now, before I go any further, you have to understand that our bathroom is what you would call “divided.” We have one small room, in which is nothing but the toilet. Beside the toilet room is a separate room, in which there is a tub and a sink. It was in the tub and sink room that I found my son. The “959 Plan” is a devotional guidebook for new believers, with the idea of spending 9 minutes and 59 seconds with God each day in quiet time. There is a simple prayer method, and there is scripture to read and think about each day. And there are lines for you to share your thoughts and how to apply that day’s scripture. So there he was, finding a quiet place, in order to have his quiet time with the Father; an example for us all. Would you please pray for my son? Which one? The one with the reddish shade of hair. (that didn’t help much, did it?) Why not pray for them all – you'll find their names in the column to the left.

Thanks and blessings, Brad.

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